EM&V Forum

REED Annual Report 2011 ( )

Prior to the public launch of the Regional Energy Efficiency Database (REED) in February 2013 energy efficiency stakeholders across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states had to look to myriad sources for energy efficiency program results and associated information. With the introduction of REED,… Read more

EM&V Forum

EMV Glossary ( )

The Glossary defines and explains terms used in the evaluation, measurement, verification (EMV), and market research of electric and gas energy efficiency, conservation, load management, demand response, and other demand reduction activities that regulators, policymakers, and other non-technical… Read more

EM&V Forum

EM&V Forum Evaluation ( )

This report presents the results of an evaluation conducted of the Regional Evaluation, Measurement & Verification (EM&V) Forum for NEEP to assess the effectiveness of the first three years of the Forum's operation.  Consistent with the Forum's Three-Year Plan (2009-2011), the… Read more

EM&V Forum

Commercial Lighting Measure Persistence Study ( )

The primary objective of this study was to conduct primary and secondary research and analysis to provide the sponsors with estimates of measure lifetimes that included on-site verification of CFL bulbs and fixtures, LED exit signs, HID fixtures, and T8 fixtures installed by commercial and… Read more

EM&V Forum

Commercial Lighting Load Shape Study ( )

July 2011 - This project developed weather normalized 8,760 (representing every hour of the year) lighting end-use load shapes representative of hourly savings for efficient commercial lighting equipment. These load shapes were based on the results of previous evaluation studies,… Read more

Public Policy

From Potential to Action: An Analysis of the Region's Economically Achievable Electric Efficiency Potential ( )

If the six New England states succeed in capturing the economically achievable potential of energy efficiency, together they can reduce the region’s electricity consumption be about 20 percent of forecasted load by 2018. This can be done by adopting current best-practices in building and… Read more

EM&V Forum

Regional EM&V Methods and Savings Assumptions Guidelines 2010 ( )

These Regional Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V)  Methods & Assumptions Guidelines ('the Guidelines') were prepared for the Regional EM&V  Forum (‘the Forum’). The Forum, established in 2008, is a regional project facilitated and managed by Northeast Energy… Read more

EM&V Forum

Net Savings Scoping Paper ( )

The EMV Forum requested the preparation of a scoping paper with the purpose of improving Forum members’ understanding of how net energy savings is defined, how stakeholders use net savings, and the opportunities and barriers to increasing the consistency of and quality in net savings definitions… Read more

High Performance Buildings

Northeast-CHPS Operations & Maintenance Guide April 2010 ( )

The purpose of the Northeast-CHPS Operations and Maintenance Guide is to provide guidance to school districts on developing and maintaining procedures that ensure the continued operation of school facilities in a manner consistent with the goals of Northeast-CHPS. High performance schools provide… Read more

EM&V Forum

Common Statewide Energy Efficiency Reporting Guidelines ( )

At a time when states in the Forum region are making unprecedented investments in energy efficiency to meet a range of policy objectives, the need for consistency and transparency for energy efficiency is more important than ever in order to build understanding and credibility of efficiency as a… Read more

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