High Performance Buildings

Northeast Collaborative for High Performance Schools Protocol - New Construction & Major Renovations ( )

The purpose of Northeast-CHPS is to encourage the construction of schools that provide premium educational environments while providing important benefits for students, educators, administrators, and the public. High performance schools provide high quality learning environments, conserve natural… Read more

EM&V Forum

End-Use Load Data Update- Phase 1 ( )

In recent decades, efforts to gather end-use load data appear to be scattered and minimal across the Pacific Northwest and East regions (the Regions).  Although a significant amount of data was gathered through Bonneville Power Administration’s End-Use Load and Consumer Assessment Program (… Read more

High Performance Buildings

Valuing Building Energy Efficiency Through Disclosure and Upgrade Policies ( )

Buildings in the United States continue to be one of the largest users of energy, accounting for approximately 41 percent of all energy consumption, 72 percent of electricity usage, and over one-third of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As expenditures on energy efficiency programs in the… Read more

NEEP in the News

NEEP 2022 Q2 Report ()

NEEP in the News

Centering Equity with Metrics (Introduction) ()

A history of environmental racism and inequitable energy decision-making have led to historically marginalized communities bearing the largest burdens of the fossil fuel economy, but not receiving any of the benefits. Discriminatory practices in the energy and housing space have meant that… Read more

NEEP in the News

Centering Equity with Metrics (Full Report) ()

Historically marginalized and/or excluded communities experience disproportionate harms from our energy system. Research has shown that the harmful environmental impacts of the energy system are more likely to be concentrated in communities of color, and that these same communities are more likely… Read more

NEEP in the News

Performance Incentives that Align with Equity Priorities ()

Performance incentive mechanisms (PIMs) are financial incentives or penalties that encourage program administrators to achieve certain targets or performance levels. If performance incentives are designed to encourage energy equity, program implementers will deliver more programs to historically… Read more

NEEP in the News

Creating Equity-Centered Program Goals ()

Oftentimes, equity of treatment, program access, and outcomes are expressed as a policy but not as a program requirement. Policymakers can change this dynamic by creating goals that align with energy equity policy. Identifying a goal or goals for energy efficiency programs that prioritize energy… Read more

NEEP in the News

Identifying Equity-Centered Tracking Metrics ()

Equity-related tracking efforts, whether in the energy efficiency space or beyond, are important ways to better understand current practices, identify gaps, see trends over time, and provide accountability. Traditional energy efficiency program metrics focus on energy and demand savings, which… Read more

NEEP in the News

Accounting for Equity in Cost-Benefit Analysis ()

Current cost-benefit analysis practices ensure energy efficiency programs deliver cost-effective energy savings. This means inputs to the cost-benefit analysis look only at energy costs and savings, which does not account for environmental, economic, and health impacts of programs. Centering equity… Read more

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