Guide to Passive House
Passive House is a construction concept that can be applied to all buildings, whether residential or commercial. The voluntary standards are performance-based, with a limited prescriptive option for…
IRA Tax Credits – Existing Homes
The Inflation Reduction Act provides two credits (25C and 25D) for efficiency and clean energy upgrades in existing homes. The Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit (25C) was increased and…
IRA Tax Credits – New Homes
The Inflation Reduction Act provides two credits (45L and 25D) for efficiency and clean energy upgrades in newly constructed homes. Tax credit 45L, New Energy Efficient Home Credit, subsidizes energy…
IRA Tax Credits – Commercial Buildings and Property
The Inflation Reduction Act extends and enhances existing commercial tax credits for new or retrofitted commercial buildings. Below is an outline of two enhanced and extended tax credits for energy…
ZERH Resource Guide
The Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH) Program offers a range of resources to assist homeowners, builders, and other partners understand the criteria, benefits, and…
What a Total Building Performance Certificate Holder Can Offer Your Business
Recognizing the critical need for a retrofit-ready workforce, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) and partners have developed the Building Performance Institute (BPI) Total Building…
The Massachusetts Voters Guide to the Municipal Opt-In Specialized Code
The requirements outlined in this document are in addition to those in the “regular” stretch code that jurisdictions follow as part of the Green Communities Program. As of January 1, 2023, the…