Air Conditioning

10 Ways To Beat The Heat & Save Money On Your Energy Bill This Summer

As we push through the final months of summer, battered by record heat waves, the energy grid is put to the ultimate test. The increase in demand on the grid is usually passed on to us, the consumer, as a higher energy bill. How can we keep cool while also reducing our energy costs, and in turn, our energy usage?

Here are ten tips to help you beat the heat, save money, and reduce your carbon footprint:


Ode to the Air-Source Heat Pump

In the distance, there is a soft humming of a compressor, the ticking of its meter, and the whirring of the fan.  The warm blanket of air envelopes the room.  The small metallic grating in the wall glints with polished cleanliness.  The faint scent, the very aroma, of money saved in your wallet perfumes the room.

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