NEEP Ramps Up Heating Electrification Initiative With Support of Federal Partners
By David Lis | Wed, May 29, 24
The Northeast has long been a leader in several areas of clean energy. So, it’s no surprise that partners at the US Department of Energy (DOE) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) identified the Northeast as one of the most well-positioned regions to lead renewed efforts to transform the residential HVAC markets to heat pumps.
“Just Right” Heat Pumps: Why Sizing Matters in Cold Climates
By Tara McElhinney | Fri, March 22, 24
Cold Climate Heat Pump Specifications and Performance Reporting: Forging New Frontiers
By David Lis | Mon, December 11, 23
The landscape around heat pump performance specifications and data has evolved in recent years and in the process has raised new questions as to where specifications and performance reporting for heat pumps should go in the future. Let’s break down where we’ve been and look at where and how we can forge new frontiers.
The State of Residential Heat Pump Programs
By Tara McElhinney | Wed, May 24, 23
If you’ve been following the world of heat pumps, you know this past year has seen a lot of changes, from new minimum efficiency metrics (SEER2/HSPF2) to an influx of public funding to support heat pump adoption. How are states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic incorporating these changes into their programs?
Lights, Camera, Action: Home Installation of HPWH
By Deepti Dutt | Mon, March 27, 23
My husband and I are proud New England home owners. This means that our house, like many in the area, is old and leaks like a sieve. Every summer, for the last four years, we painstakingly lugged our window a/c units from our basement to our second floor bedrooms and back to basement at the end of the summer. In both these trips, we make promises to ourselves and each other to look into whole home air conditioning solutions.