By Dave Hewitt |
Every city climate action plan I have ever read references moving to zero energy buildings as well as more stringent or zero energy building energy codes. These are great plan elements and certainly are “doable” things to include in a plan. That said, zero energy buildings are not all that easy to accomplish across the broader market, and they certainly won’t happen without a substantial…
By Dave Hewitt |
You’ve probably seen the infamous “duck graph”, and then hopefully you’ve read “Teaching the Duck to Fly”. Well, now maybe we have the next example of zoomorphism in the energy world – the butterfly graph.
If we electrify vehicles and buildings, we use more electricity, which is hopefully renewable and close by (reduced transmission and distribution infrastructure). Currently, most utilities in…
By Dave Hewitt |
The commercial buildings market is very complex, with wildly divergent ownership, management control, and building characteristics. Buildings range from strip malls to office towers to convention centers to big box retail stores. Ownership could be local government, merchant builders (who build and then sell), local family businesses, international corporations, and fast food franchises. Each…

By Dave Hewitt |
Hot off the press, NEEP has just released a report entitled “The Smart Energy Home: Driving Residential Building Decarbonization”. This report builds on NEEP’s multi-year effort in the smart energy homes space, and brings the role of controls more clearly into focus, outlining their importance for decarbonizing residential properties. NEEP’s Claire Miziolek led the report development which…

By Samantha Caputo |
Welcome to the latest REED Rendering issue, a series of blogs where we bring your attention to interesting trends that we see in the data and the stories behind those trends.
What comes to your mind when you hear the term “market transformation”? A few things that come to my mind include fostering change, revolution, and improvement. Markets are transformed by promoting energy…
By Claire Miziolek |
We all know the decarbonization is the big goal. It’s in the news, reports, and policy discussions. But how do we actually get down and dirty to make it happen for the more than 24 million residential sector households in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic? Well, using NEEP’s newest resource—The Smart Energy Home: Driving Residential Building Decarbonization—as a guide, let us count the ways.
By John Balfe |
In baseball, the ace is a team’s superstar starting pitcher – a dominant and reliable player that takes the mound every five games. In poker, an ace is the highest ranking card and cause for optimism when dealt your way. On NEEP’s Buildings and Communities Solutions Team, ACE is an exciting new project that will help transform energy efficiency initiatives in communities.
Interested in learning…
By Samantha Caputo |
We have figured out the puzzle pieces that need to come together to decarbonize our economy and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Renewable energy + deep energy efficiency + strategic electrification = the pathways to zero carbon.
By integrating energy efficiency, renewable energy, and strategic electrification, states can achieve carbon reduction goals across sectors by powering end-uses…