July 2023

Construction Worker Hat
By Erin Cosgrove |
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released guidance for $150 million in formula funding for the State-Based Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Grants (Contractor Training Program). The Contractor Training Program provides funding to state energy offices to train, test, and certify energy efficiency and electrification contractors. The funding is not just for IRA programs, but also to…
By Andrew Winslow |
In Philadelphia, over 60,000 homeowners are living in poverty. In New York state, two million homes need to electrify to achieve 2030 climate reduction goals. What do these staggering statistics have in common? Comprehensive whole home retrofits can be a solution. Notoriously a confusing and expensive process, whole home retrofits are beginning to take center stage as states and communities see…
By Dragana Thibault |
Imagine returning home after a long day, connecting your electric vehicle (EV) to your own charging station, and waking up the next morning with a fully charged car, ready to take you wherever you need to go. EV readiness in both homes and buildings offers this convenience and the ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.   The automotive industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation…

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