January 2022

By Lisa Cascio |
Back in mid-2020, we found ourselves – like the rest of the country and world – dealing with COVID quarantine, shifting our office space to a virtual platform, and processing the flood of emotions that came in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. Eighteen months later, we are in a world forever altered by both COVID and racial, economic, and social injustice demanding not only our attention but our…
By Andrew Winslow |
Welcome to the latest edition of Regional Energy Data Dives, formerly known as REED Renderings. Regional Energy Data Dives will be a series of blogs taking a wider look at data underlying regional demand-side program trends. After a busy fall of data collection and analysis, we’ve added the new round of energy efficiency program data to REED and are happy to share it with the public!…
By Chase Macpherson |
I’ll be honest – I didn’t think that home insulation would be a holiday party conversation for me just six months into my being at NEEP, but I was wrong. I was having a group of friends over in December, and when someone mentioned that they recently worked with a home energy auditor for free I immediately said “oh my gosh, through the Mass Save program for renters??” So yes, my party had it all!…

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