By Chase Macpherson |
Last year, NEEP launched a new initiative to support local partnerships engaged in transportation planning in the Northeast, with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This project highlights the connections between transportation, mobility, and economic opportunity. This initiative centers local partnerships and decision-making, making effective engagement strategies crucial for the…

By Chase Macpherson |
In early November I attended the Building Performance Association’s New England Home Performance Conference, where we discussed program design, common barriers to building decarbonization, and one recurring theme… workforce. I presented with staff from the Maine Governor’s Energy Office and Maine Housing on this very topic. My presentation highlighted the results of the first year of ReMaine, the…

By Chase Macpherson |
Most people got accustomed to (and then very tired of) saying “unprecedented times” over the last few years with the Covid-19 pandemic, but the occasion is not quite over for our industry. Right now, we are in an unprecedented time of federal funding for clean energy and infrastructure, and as a young professional I’m already sure I’ll be talking about this point in my career for a long time!

By Chase Macpherson |
When I graduated from college in 2020, I had a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, many different experiences related to environmental and climate issues, and a very difficult time finding a job. I wasn’t sure exactly what kind of job I wanted, but I knew I wanted something very closely related to climate change, and that was big picture enough for me to feel like I was really able to make a difference…

By Chase Macpherson |
I’ll be honest – I didn’t think that home insulation would be a holiday party conversation for me just six months into my being at NEEP, but I was wrong. I was having a group of friends over in December, and when someone mentioned that they recently worked with a home energy auditor for free I immediately said “oh my gosh, through the Mass Save program for renters??” So yes, my party had it all!…

By Chase Macpherson |
Climate change can feel like a really big, daunting, global problem that is too hard to solve on a small scale, but many towns and communities in the Northeast are doing just that. Almost all of the states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic have set goals for reducing their contributions to climate change, and now NEEP has set out to document the towns and cities that have followed suit,…

By Chase Macpherson |
When I’m confronted with a big decision in my life, whether it’s about my career, a relationship, housing, or money, I go to my trusted circle for advice. I know that my parents, sisters, friends, and colleagues will all have valuable perspectives and wisdom that can help me make my decision. We invest in relationships to maintain a support network of people we trust and value, who will give us…