October 2024

By Jennifer Marrapese |
NEEP’s next annual Summit will be held in June 2025 and this year we are trying something new! For the past several years, we have relied upon an advisory committee of NEEP allies, state energy office representatives, utilities, manufacturers, and other key partners to help us curate the content for our agenda. This year, we’ve decided to open the process earlier and to crowdsource ideas from our…
By Erin Cosgrove |
The US Department of Energy (DOE) requires that states submit market transformation plans as part of the Home Energy Rebates program funding through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The intent of these market transformation plans is to ensure that IRA Home Energy Rebates create lasting change in each state’s energy efficiency market. In September, DOE released guidance and sample plans,…
By Chase Macpherson |
Last year, NEEP launched a new initiative to support local partnerships engaged in transportation planning in the Northeast, with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This project highlights the connections between transportation, mobility, and economic opportunity. This initiative centers local partnerships and decision-making, making effective engagement strategies crucial for the…
By Dragana Thibault |
As we work to enhance energy efficiency and improve the quality of life in our communities, the importance of modern energy codes has never been more apparent. But without strong implementation and enforcement strategies, communities across the region are denied the benefits of newly adopted energy codes.NEEP is leading a new project aimed at strengthening energy code compliance across…

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