By Jennifer Marrapese | Thu, October 31, 24
NEEP’s next annual Summit will be held in June 2025 and this year we are trying something new! For the past several years, we have relied upon an advisory committee of NEEP allies, state energy office representatives, utilities, manufacturers, and other key partners to help us curate the content for our agenda. This year, we’ve decided to open the process earlier and to crowdsource ideas from our broader community. This early input will help NEEP’s advisory committee and staff design the agenda.
Do you have a great idea for a keynote address, plenary, or session topic? Have you seen an inspirational speaker, or do you know an engaging topical expert that should be highlighted on our regional stage? If so, NEEP wants to hear from you!
NEEP Summit 2025 will bring together energy practitioners, state and local policymakers, utility and industry experts, community leaders, and problem solvers at a critical time for energy and climate policy. Through collaborative, interactive sessions and informal engagement opportunities, we’ll workshop case studies, models, and tangible solutions that work and can be accelerated with federal funding and state and local leadership. Cutting through the noise, the Summit will deliver the solutions and relationships you need to understand, access, and utilize resources to meet immediate goals and achieve long-term success.
To help you get ideas flowing, here are the topics our Summit will likely cover:
Policies and Programs
- Scaling Energy Efficiency through Emerging Program Models
- Building Performance Standards (BPS) and Benchmarking
- Clean Heat Standards and Emissions-Based Equipment Standards
- Advanced Energy Codes
- Climate-Forward Energy Efficiency including Rate Design and Utility Planning
- Benefit Cost Analysis for Climate and Equity
- Regional Market Transformation
Energy Justice and Workforce Development
- Best Practices in Community Engagement and Reaching Underserved Communities
- Affordability of Electric Rates, Equitable Ratemaking
- Efficiency and Building Decarbonization in Affordable Multifamily Housing
- Workforce Development
Emerging Technologies
- Electrification of Large Commercial and Multifamily Buildings
- Ground Source Heat Pumps, Geothermal, and Networked Systems
- Combined Solutions for Heating and Hot Water
- Advanced Windows
Financing and Funding
- Stacking and Braiding Rebates, Financing, and Other Incentives
- Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) Program Needs
- Financing Strategies
Please submit speaker or topic suggestions for Summit 2025 via this form by November 29. We appreciate your input and hope you will take this opportunity to ensure that the Summit is directly relevant to you and your work. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Jennifer Marrapese.