By David Lis |
A look at the evening news in the last couple weeks offers a deluge of natural disasters – hurricanes pummeling the Caribbean and southern coasts of the United States, earthquakes in Mexico and Los Angeles, and wild fires burning in the Northwest. It’s imperative that we do all we can to mitigate these dangerous effects of climate change.
In the Northeast, states are serious about addressing…
By Elizabeth Titus |
In New England, it’s starting to look and feel like fall. And the change of season brings with it a change in appetite. As we look around, we see apple and pumpkin spice flavored foodstuffs with more regularity. It’s time for serving up soups, comfort food, and crock-pot based meals.
Advanced M&V is on the Menu
Similarly, NEEP has cooked up its EM&V Fall Meeting and will be serving it up…
By Samantha Caputo |
I have been lucky enough to attend the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) Annual Meeting, this year held in New Orleans. This has been a great opportunity for a couple of reasons. Professionally, I’ve been able to network with different stakeholders across the country. Personally, I took advantage of the opportunity to dive right into the NOLA experience with my first beignet…

By Anonymous |
Fellow energy enthusiasts, I have some innovations to share with you! But, before I do, a couple of questions:
Have you ever heard of EM&V?
Are you familiar with its processes?
Let me provide a bit of background before discussing some recent advancements.
What is EM&V?
Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) is the collection of methods and processes used to assess the…