By Elizabeth Titus |
These days in the energy world, meters are getting a lot of media exposure. With spot meters, smart appliances, building management systems, utility billing meters, and smart meters (which are also known as advanced metering infrastructure or AMI), the energy industry may start drowning in data. And yet, people are asking: do we have enough?
Meters Matter
So why do meters matter? Meters are the…

By Elizabeth Titus |
The Scouts’ motto of “Be Prepared” may be old, but it’s still relevant in today’s world. Prepared for what? Well, the motto means being in a state of readiness for anything that comes along, being willing and able to tackle whatever is needed.
There is no denying that there is a lot of change afoot in the energy industry, with new policies, goals, programs, technologies, and data streams adding…
By Elizabeth Titus |
Evaluation work is important.
It’s a necessary practice to inform both program planning and program improvement. It’s important to plan and to look back to document and improve program performance.
As we know from the ACEEE Scorecard, the Northeast region is top-ranking in energy efficiency. And, while it may go unsung, program evaluation in the region is similarly stellar. Some examples of note…
By Elizabeth Titus |
Vienna, Austria is a city steeped in centuries of history, which includes a mix of conservative tradition and cutting-edge innovation. Last June, tourists were wandering through cobblestone streets, museums and castles, eating schnitzel, and watching the World Cup. I was there too, on the grounds of a 19th century palace with over 100 participants for the European Evaluation Conference (formally…
By Elizabeth Titus |
I was driving to work early on a beautiful summery Monday morning, mentally already in the office getting ready for a busy day. As I approached one familiar intersection, there was a different speed limit sign – not the typical “Speed Limit 20” post planted in the ground, but one that said “Speed Limit 20” and, below it, an announcement of my speed – 27 – in flashing lights. It went even further…
By Elizabeth Titus |
Bob Dylan nails what we are experiencing in the energy industry today with the title of his classic ballad, The Times They Are A’Changin’. In that song, he notes “The slow one now will later be fast, as the present now will later be past.” He may as well be singing to evaluators of energy efficiency programs, since evaluators have a lot of experience looking back at the past to explain the…
By Elizabeth Titus |
NEEP mourns last week's passing of Laura McNaughton and celebrates the many ways she contributed to advance residential energy efficiency.
In her role as the Director of Residential Energy Efficiency Programs at New England Electric (now National Grid), and earlier in her career with the non-profit Fair Share Corporation, she touched many lives with her tireless energy, enthusiasm, willingness…
By Elizabeth Titus |
In New England, it’s starting to look and feel like fall. And the change of season brings with it a change in appetite. As we look around, we see apple and pumpkin spice flavored foodstuffs with more regularity. It’s time for serving up soups, comfort food, and crock-pot based meals.
Advanced M&V is on the Menu
Similarly, NEEP has cooked up its EM&V Fall Meeting and will be serving it up…