By Samantha Caputo |
COVID-19 is an unprecedented global pandemic that has impacted our lives in every imaginable way. Even as we adjust, adapt, and begin to reimagine what our future looks like, there is still a lot that is unknown. The energy efficiency and clean energy industry has been quick to respond to the pandemic with moratoriums on utility shutoffs , suspending on-site energy efficiency work, and…

By Samantha Caputo |
We find ourselves hanging in a careful balance between continuing our work on various plans and policies that started before COVID-19 and managing a new direct response to the pandemic. This policy tracker is the first of a two-part analysis of policies in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. This first installment focuses on non-COVID-19 policies. Keep an eye out for the second blog analyzing COVID-…

By Samantha Caputo |
Of the American workforce not working from home before COVID-19, only 20 percent are able to do so now. I am one of the lucky few who have been able to easily transition my work from an office to my kitchen. For most, this has not been the case, and the energy industry has been devastated by the pandemic. While I am able to continue work alongside my fellow NEEPers, we are adapting our work in…

By Samantha Caputo |
During uncertain times like right now, it can be challenging to predict the future or feel comfortable in the unknown. This year started off with a lot of action around policies for energy efficiency and climate, but things have changed quickly in the last few weeks. In response to COVID-19, a lot of state houses have closed their doors and adjourned early.
NEEP is tracking state legislative…

By Samantha Caputo |
It’s a new year, which means a new opportunity to ramp up policy efforts to decarbonize our economy. We are one month into 2020 and so much has already happened with each state’s legislative session kicking off. The Northeast is responding to a call to action on climate and pushing the bar to ensure that we are carbon-neutral by 2050. Already, a few trends have surfaced, including carbon neutral…

By Samantha Caputo |
As 2019 comes to a close and we look towards the start of a new decade, there is a lot on which to reflect. I think about the calendar year turning to 2020 and know that leaves us with just 10 years to drastically reduce our emissions to prevent catastrophic climate impacts. Ten years doesn’t seem like a long time, yet so much can happen in that time. During the last 10 years, I graduated high…

By Samantha Caputo |
States throughout the NEEP region recognize the need to address climate change and transform the way we generate and use energy. The global scientific consensus is that we need to decarbonize our economy 45 percent by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2050 in order to reduce the chance of exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are already experiencing the impacts of climate change and exceeding 1.5…

By Samantha Caputo |
We all need principles to guide us in our lives. Principles set forth “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning [Oxford Dictionaries].” They encompass values to identify what’s important, and can apply to many circumstances, such as cultural, legal or economic.
This is what the National Standard…