Evolving the National Standard Practice Manual

We all need principles to guide us in our lives. Principles set forth “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning [Oxford Dictionaries].” They encompass values to identify what’s important, and can apply to many circumstances, such as cultural, legal or economic.  

Policy Tracker: Spotlight on Energy Storage

School is out and so is the legislature! The sun is shining bright and some states’ legislatures are winding down for the season. A noticeable trend that has developed this session is the passage of bills related to energy storage. Summer is a great time for energy storage because all of the captured energy can be used to help meet summer peak demand. Let’s take a closer look at this trend.

The Policy Tracker: March 2017

March snow turns to April showers, which leads to May flowers, right? This March, snow may be slowing some of us down in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, but that is not the case for policy developments. Public utility commissions and state legislatures are in full swing with an ample amount of advances since the last policy tracker.

New York

The commission has been busy in New York. Take a look at these recently-issued orders related to Reforming the Energy Vision (REV):

The Policy Tracker: February 2017

It may have taken a few months of frigid weather, but the snow is finally flying here in the Northeast. At the same time, we’re seeing a flurry of bills from recently convened legislative sessions in the NEEP states, as well as some developments of interest on the regulatory front. Read on for a summary of the latest on energy efficiency policies in the NEEP region.


Policy Updates from Around the States

Here’s our brief rundown on key developments in energy efficiency policy from around the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states over the last few months: Energy Efficiency Program Updates
  • Connecticut Draft Decision on Conservation and Load Management (C&LM) Plans: The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released its
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