grid modernization

The Policy Tracker: March 2017

March snow turns to April showers, which leads to May flowers, right? This March, snow may be slowing some of us down in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, but that is not the case for policy developments. Public utility commissions and state legislatures are in full swing with an ample amount of advances since the last policy tracker.

New York

The commission has been busy in New York. Take a look at these recently-issued orders related to Reforming the Energy Vision (REV):

The Policy Tracker: February 2017

It may have taken a few months of frigid weather, but the snow is finally flying here in the Northeast. At the same time, we’re seeing a flurry of bills from recently convened legislative sessions in the NEEP states, as well as some developments of interest on the regulatory front. Read on for a summary of the latest on energy efficiency policies in the NEEP region.


The Policy Tracker: December 2016

Yes, it’s already mid-December; that time of year best known for office holiday parties, well-deserved vacation time, and — perhaps most importantly — the big push to make end-of-year deadlines. Just in case the holiday season has you either with your head in the clouds or your nose to the grindstone, you can read on for a summary of the latest on energy efficiency policies in the NEEP region.


Granite State Update: NH Makes Progress on EE, Grid Mod

A drop of one spot in the recent ACEEE State Scorecard should not dishearten Granite Staters who’ve been working hard to make the state more energy efficient. While New Hampshire slid from number 20 to 21 in the much-watched ranking of state energy efficiency leaders, there’s important progress to laud, and the future looks bright.

The Policy Tracker: Fall 2016

As the days grow shorter, the broader electric grid is now on entering its shoulder months, a time of rest and repair for the electric grid with few forecasted peaking events. Yet, while the grid is beginning to show signs of cooling, the energy efficiency landscape remains red hot. Read on below for the latest state-by-state summaries…


Breaking Through the Policy Barriers to Grid-Scale Energy Storage

Energy storage technology is ready to transform the way we use, manage, and view electric energy. However, the question remains: are we prepared for it? Last year, the U.S. market saw an unprecedented expansion of 221 MW of deployed storage, up 243 percent from 2014.

Costs Down, Goals up: Massachusetts Aims High with Next 3 Year Energy Efficiency Plan

The joint energy efficiency program administrators (PAs) and the stakeholder Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC) have delivered another landmark statewide plan for Massachusetts. The final plan is being sent to the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) for approval on October 30, passed by the Council with overwhelming support.

As Advanced Metering Grows, SEE Action Describes Potential for New Energy Savings

Electric utility companies across the nation are working to modernize their infrastructure in ways that will reduce costs, improve customer service and reliability, and add a range of capabilities — some that were unimaginable just a few years ago. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), including customer meters with two-way communication and real-time data collection, is a key part of grid modernization in our region and across the country.

Energy Efficiency Policy Tracker: August 2014

This summer, we’ve seen the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states continue tackle the major themes outlined at last month’s NEEP Summit in Newport: modernizing the electric grid, de-carbonizing the electric sector, and managing electric-gas infrastructure constraints in New England.

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