May Policy Tracker: Spotlight on New York

April showers bring May flowers, particularly in New York where things are certainly sprouting this spring. As winter finally starts turning to spring in the Northeast, everyone begins to notice the trees greening and nature coming to life all around. Nestled in spring is also Earth Day, where we stop to acknowledge the importance of our environment and take action to protect it for generations to come.

As Advanced Metering Grows, SEE Action Describes Potential for New Energy Savings

Electric utility companies across the nation are working to modernize their infrastructure in ways that will reduce costs, improve customer service and reliability, and add a range of capabilities — some that were unimaginable just a few years ago. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), including customer meters with two-way communication and real-time data collection, is a key part of grid modernization in our region and across the country.

REV-ing it up in New York: A Look Under the Hood of the Reforming Energy Vision Track I Order

Originally posted on Switchboard (NRDC's blog), and authored by Jackson Morris, this post takes a magnifying glass to New York's REV Track 1 Order and lays out all of the juicy details for your reading pleasure. Big thanks to NRDC and Jackson Morris for this illuminating contribution.

There are big goings-on in the Empire State these days related to how to move to a 21stcentury electric system. And while there is much work ahead, the early results are noteworthy.

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