Energy Efficiency Policy Tracker: August 2014
By Josh Craft | Mon, August 4, 14
This summer, we’ve seen the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states continue tackle the major themes outlined at last month’s NEEP Summit in Newport: modernizing the electric grid, de-carbonizing the electric sector, and managing electric-gas infrastructure constraints in New England.
Air Source Heat Pumps a hot topic at NEEP’s Pre-Summit Workshop
By Samantha Bresler | Mon, August 4, 14
Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) are one of the fastest growing heating and cooling technologies in our region. They have impressive efficiency profiles, high customer satisfaction reviews and are all electric, which means they can take pressure off fossil fuels and also be integrated with on-site solar generation.
NEEP Summit and Business Leaders on YouTube
By John Otterbein | Mon, August 4, 14

Throw some popcorn in an energy efficient microwave, turn down the overhead, living-room LEDS with your shiny-new home energy management system, and join our story’s protagonist, energy efficiency,
Alphabet Soup: Evaluation Workshop at Annual NEEP Summit
By Danielle Wilson | Mon, August 4, 14

Comparing the Evaluation, Measurement & Verification (EM&V) world to alphabet soup can be an apt description.