Environmental Protection Agency

A Call for Compliance: Energy Efficiency’s Role in the Clean Power Plan

With the EPA’s announcement of final rules under 111(d), we turn the page toward a cleaner, healthier, economically vibrant power sector.  At NEEP, we’re fortunate to operate within a region which has time and time again proven that energy efficiency can be the cornerstone to a more resilient, clean, reliable and affordable energy system.

Energy Efficiency Policy Tracker: August 2014

This summer, we’ve seen the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states continue tackle the major themes outlined at last month’s NEEP Summit in Newport: modernizing the electric grid, de-carbonizing the electric sector, and managing electric-gas infrastructure constraints in New England.

Efficiency’s Climate Manifesto

Energy Efficiency has an impediment when it comes to being recognized as a climate solution – it lacks oomph appeal. It doesn't have Solar energy’s dazzling solar arrays glinting in the brilliant radiance of the sun. Nor does it have Wind energy’s elegantly arching wind mills, so sophisticated and alluring so as to capture the mind of Don Quixote. It doesn't even have Hydropower’s ferocious tumble and roar of water. Nope, it has none of that. What does it have? It has regulations, excel spreadsheets and technological advances.

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