A New Home for NEEP

As an organization evolves, sometimes so must its surroundings. Life and routine seem to have settled in (for the most part) these days, but back in early May, things were the opposite of routine. We uprooted ourselves out of the space we called home for four great, important years that saw milestones like our 20th anniversary, and embarked on a journey in search of a new beginning.

Driving Electrification

Is using electricity almost exclusively for all energy needs – such as transportation, home heating and industry uses – really a key part of the global warming solution? Well, it absolutely is. Of course it’s critical to decarbonize the grid with wind and solar and other renewables as part of the process, but dramatically shifting energy uses to electricity, while also making them more efficient, is indeed a key part of deep carbon reduction.

Policy Tracker: Spotlight on Energy Storage

School is out and so is the legislature! The sun is shining bright and some states’ legislatures are winding down for the season. A noticeable trend that has developed this session is the passage of bills related to energy storage. Summer is a great time for energy storage because all of the captured energy can be used to help meet summer peak demand. Let’s take a closer look at this trend.

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