The Policy Tracker: February 2017

It may have taken a few months of frigid weather, but the snow is finally flying here in the Northeast. At the same time, we’re seeing a flurry of bills from recently convened legislative sessions in the NEEP states, as well as some developments of interest on the regulatory front. Read on for a summary of the latest on energy efficiency policies in the NEEP region.


The DesignLights Consortium Spin-off

With the arrival of the New Year, NEEP said good-bye and farewell to the DesignLights Consortium, which began 2017 as an independent organization. Led by its own Board of Directors with Tina Halfpenny as Executive Director, the DLC team of eight professionals across the U.S. continues the DLC’s key market transformation role to set the bar for and distinguish quality, energy efficient commercial lighting products. 

Remembering Dr. Art Rosenfeld

The energy efficiency industry and the world lost a parent, a gifted scientist, and a change-agent last week, with the passing of Dr. Art Rosenfeld.

We take this opportunity to celebrate his life and contributions, and to express our personal as well as professional appreciation for this wonderful and influential member of the energy efficiency family.

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