best practices

Leading by Example While Digging Out From the Mountain of Paperwork

Picture yourself as an energy manager for a large portfolio of buildings. You are responsible for monitoring and reducing energy consumption in these buildings to reduce energy costs. You have just learned that you will be responsible for achieving a 20% energy reduction portfolio-wide over the next 5 years. Excited to dig in to this work, you decide to request the utility bills for all of the buildings over the last two years.

Collaboration, Expertise and Working Regionally: State Officials talk about the Value of NEEP

Since the beginning, partnerships with state agencies have been central to NEEP’s work. We provide guidance and acquire insights from states, help them connect the dots and leverage resources, and facilitate shared learning and progress through working groups and collaborative processes. It was a pleasure to talk with agency representatives from some of our states to learn about what they've valued most in their relationship with NEEP over the years.

Building Energy for Resiliency

Caitriona Cooke took some time out of her schedule to extol the benefits of better building design during an era riddled with more extreme weather patterns and to inform us of a great conference, Building Energy 2014, happening right around the corner in Boston. 73271468

Powering Up: NEEP Launches Consumer Electronics Strategy

The world of consumer electronics is vast and complex.  There are devices that we think about every day, such as our computers, televisions, or (for some) game consoles.  Then there are the electronics that we tend to forget, such as that cable box that’s always on, or the router providing password-protected wi-fi to our homes 24/7.  Or what about that desktop that’s been gathering dust at your home or office?  When was the last time you checked to make sure that the monitor was actually turned off?
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