A New Home for NEEP
By Chris Tanner | Thu, July 20, 17
As an organization evolves, sometimes so must its surroundings. Life and routine seem to have settled in (for the most part) these days, but back in early May, things were the opposite of routine. We uprooted ourselves out of the space we called home for four great, important years that saw milestones like our 20th anniversary, and embarked on a journey in search of a new beginning.
The DesignLights Consortium Spin-off
By Sue Coakley | Wed, February 15, 17
With the arrival of the New Year, NEEP said good-bye and farewell to the DesignLights Consortium, which began 2017 as an independent organization. Led by its own Board of Directors with Tina Halfpenny as Executive Director, the DLC team of eight professionals across the U.S. continues the DLC’s key market transformation role to set the bar for and distinguish quality, energy efficient commercial lighting products.
DesignLights Consortium Drives Innovation With Updates to the SSL Qualified Products List
By Fritzi Pieper | Thu, January 9, 14
The Solid-State Lighting (SSL) industry is poised to take a leap forward in energy efficiency and performance as Northeast Energy Efficiency (NEEP) updated the DesignLights Consortium®’s (DLC) SSL Qualified Products List (QPL) at the turn of the year.
NEEP’s DesignLights Consortium® receives AESP award!
By Fritzi Pieper | Fri, February 1, 13

The Future of LED Innovation: An interview with the DOE's Jim Brodrick
By Fritzi Pieper | Thu, October 18, 12