
Benchmarking: From Policy to Action

Since the dawn of time, energy efficiency supporters have touted benchmarking as the critical first step to reducing energy consumption in the buildings sector. Whether it's the first step or not, the age-old saying "you can't manage what you don't measure" is true. Assessing our energy performance is critical to inform improvement efforts.

How CAPEE Can Help Communities Lead The Way To Energy Efficiency

As temperatures rise in the Northeast this summer, so too does the amount of energy being consumed by buildings throughout the region. According to ISO New England, the top 10 demand days for electricity all occur within the summer months. Stretches of hot and humid days, such as what much of the region is experiencing currently leading into the Fourth of July holiday, puts a significant strain on our electric grid.

Cambridge City Council Passes Building Energy Usage Disclosure Ordinance

Last week, during a special meeting of the Cambridge City Council that ran for more than six hours, through the night and into the next day, the Cambridge City Council approved a Building Energy Usage Disclosure Ordinance.  What brought the meeting beyond the midnight hour?  Continue below to find out…

First Things First: What is Building Energy Benchmarking?

Building Rating Helps Markets Understand and Value Energy Efficiency

Everyone knows that one way to judge the performance of a car is by its fuel efficiency, and car manufacturers love to crow about cars with high 'miles per gallon' ratings. But, what if there was a way to assess “MPG” for buildings that gave potential owners or renters a sense of how much it would cost to operate their building over time?

In Focus: NEEP Congratulates the Boston City Council for Enacting Building Energy Disclosure

Boston Seal In a 9-4 vote, the Boston City Council voted  to adopt energy benchmarking for its large buildings last week. NEEP congratulates Mayor Thomas Menino and the Council for their hard work to advance this landmark energy and environmental initiative.

Inaccurate facts and figures surface after the adoption of Boston's Building Energy Rating Ordinance

building energy rating and disclosure Disinformation on Boston's Building Energy Disclosure Ordinance continues - The Boston Globe needs a fact check when discerning building energy rating and disclosure' fact from fiction. NEEP's Jim O'Reilly wrote a response to the Boston Globe's article, 
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