7 Crucial Steps to Transform the Residential Lighting Market
By Claire Miziolek | Mon, December 7, 15
The term Market Transformation gets tossed around a fair amount in the energy efficiency sphere, but what does it actually mean? And how can it be fully achieved? Our friends over at NEEA, a fellow REEO and respected authority on the subject, devised a definition for the term with equal parts elegance and accuracy:
The State of our Sockets: A Regional Analysis of the Residential Lighting Market
By John Otterbein | Thu, August 13, 15
We know the future will be bright for the residential lighting market, but just how efficient will it be?
Residential lighting has long been at the heart of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency program portfolios. In New England, residential lighting measures have produced over 30 percent of all efficiency program savings. The large savings potential along with the relatively low barriers to getting bulbs into sockets makes lighting the classic low hanging fruit.
Impressions From LightFair 2015: LED Revolution to Evolution
By Fritzi Pieper | Mon, May 18, 15
We are back at it after LightFair International in New York City last week – what a show! This year marked a new frontier for the DesignLights Consortium with our own booth at the most future-focused conference and tradeshow in the lighting industry. With high traffic at our booth, we saw many familiar faces, made new connections and encountered some of the most innovative technologies the field has to offer.
Advanced Rooftop Units Are Keeping It Cool
By Samantha Bresler | Tue, May 12, 15
While you probably won’t find Rooftop Units trending on Twitter anytime soon, you will continue to find them on roofs of commercial buildings working tirelessly to keep you cool. And, like many of their HVAC counterparts, rooftop units are due for an energy efficiency overhaul.
Looking for Winter-Proof Heat Pumps?
By Samantha Bresler | Tue, March 24, 15
While the oil bills from heating your home are still fresh in your mind. While you still seethe from the snow and slush, I want to offer a suggestion.
Air-Source Heat Pumps.
Transformation Tactics: How Is EISA Impacting Residential Lighting?
By John Otterbein | Wed, February 4, 15
We’ve been singing it from the rooftops since the release of the 2015 Residential Lighting Strategy back in December: the residential lighting market will undergo a massive transformation as long as programs and supporting standards continue to propel it towards efficiency.
Signs of Things to Come: Residential Lighting Programs Escalate Focus on LEDs
By John Otterbein | Wed, January 21, 15
LEDs are steadily moving to the forefront of retail shelves as energy efficiency programs continue to financially support their widespread adoption. With the cheapest ENERGY STAR certified LEDs costing about $10 each, efficiency program rebates are necessary if prices are to come close to other alternatives. Strong signals, however, are indicating that the LED invasion is beginning to gain some ground.
Top Five Policy Implications of Residential Lighting Strategy Report
By Claire Miziolek | Mon, December 15, 14
Residential lighting has been one of the longest standing measures in efficiency program portfolios. With such a long history, you may be surprised to hear that it’s a rapidly-evolving space with significant advancements, especially in the past several years.
NEEP’s Market Strategies team develops regional strategies to accelerate energy efficiency
By David Lis | Tue, May 14, 13