Striking a Balance: Housing Affordability and Decarbonization in Large Multifamily Buildings
By Sue Coakley | Tue, May 28, 19
Retrofitting homes and buildings to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is a big but necessary task for Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States and cities committed to climate stabilization goals.
Shrinking Barriers to Increase Energy Savings in Multifamily Buildings Nationwide
By Darren Port | Thu, January 19, 17
Recently five collaborating Regional Energy Efficiency Organizations (REEOs) - NEEP, MEEA, SPEER, SWEEP and SEEA - published a white paper entitled, “Multifamily Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Barriers and Opportunities for Deep Energy Savings.” The paper, supported by a grant from the MacArthur Foundation, is a comprehensive exploration of the barriers and opportunities to increasing energy efficiency through the retrofit of multifamily buildings.
NEEP Explores the Opportunities and Challenges of Multifamily Efficiency
By Yung Huynh | Wed, July 24, 13

Industry Experts Share Knowledge at Multifamily Housing Workshop
By Ed Londergan | Tue, July 23, 13
With efficiency programs across the region maturing, states and program administrators are striving to touch more customers and tackle challenging sectors such as the multifamily housing market.
Industry Experts to Speak at NEEP’s Regional Multifamily Workshop
By Ed Londergan | Tue, May 14, 13

Multifamily Efficiency Leaders Assemble at the ACEEE MT Symposium
By Ed Londergan | Mon, April 1, 13
NEEP’s Regional Leadership Group Advances Multi-Family Progress
By Ed Londergan | Tue, March 5, 13