Building Energy Codes

The Fight for More Efficient Building Codes Comes to Atlantic City

Live updates from the Comment Hearings 10/8/2013: The big news is that RE-166, the mechanical equipment trade-off proposal constituting a massive energy code rollback, was disapproved 76-52, overturning committee action. The rest of the changes have been more mild: Gains:
  • RE-63 approved, deleting footnote “h” wall bracing insulation exception, which stops its use as a loophole in cases where an exception isn’t warranted
  • RE-83 approved as modified, mandating cavities wit

With Tools in Hand – Mainers Fight for Safe, Affordable & Comfortable Buildings

Buildings are our nation’s biggest energy guzzlers, using 40% of our energy and 70% of our electricity. As the nation makes strides to improve the energy performance of its building stock, one effective method of doing this is with building energy codes.

Advocacy the theme at DOE Energy Codes 2011 Conference

Hello from Salt Lake City, where the U.S. Department of Energy is hosting its annual energy codes conference. This year's event has a decidedly different feel to it, as codes move from just being in the domain of building officials, to taking center stage for a number of legislative and administrative offices, energy offices, climate change task forces and advocacy groups.
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