energy efficiency policy

Vermont Embarks upon Landmark Strategic Electrification Program

In a major departure from traditional thinking that often compartmentalized energy efficiency efforts in a way which limits cross-fuel subsidization, Vermont is in the midst of promulgating final regulations for Act 56. This potentially-landmark bill would encourage the state’s utilities to sell more MWh’s by, amongst other things, electrifying the heating and transportation sectors.

Sweating the Small Stuff: Energy Efficiency Policy and the Keystone XL Pipeline

Energy efficiency policy work doesn’t always make for great conversation at dinner parties. Energy efficiency represents energy and money not wasted, so it’s less tangible than new solar panels or a natural gas well. And much of NEEP’s work is behind the scenes, spread across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states in regulatory proceedings that can be hard to follow, on topics that may not, on the surface, sound very interesting. The energy efficiency policies we follow certainly haven’t captured media attention the way that the future of the Keystone XL pipeline has.

In Connecticut, it's Back to the Future ... Unfortunately

Haven't we been here before?
Connecticut Connecticut's redirection of Energy Efficiency Funds could potentially halt monetary and energy savings.
For the third time in the last decade, legislators in Connecticut have decided to raid the ratepayer-funded clean energy program budgets and divert the monies to the state's gener

NEEP’s Retail Products Initiative receives ENERGY STAR’s Partner of the Year Award

  The Northeast Retail Products Initiative, facilitated by NEEP, in conjunction with its sponsoring utility and energy efficiency program administrators, has been awarded the coveted 2013 ENERGY STAR Award for Sustained Excellence –ENERGY STAR’s highest honor.

Northeast Region Innovating to Accelerate Energy Efficiency in 2013

The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions are seeing unprecedented savings in electricity and natural gas use, thanks to a combined commitment to invest over $2.5 billion dollars in energy efficiency through 2013, according to NEEP's second annual Regional Roundup of Energy Efficiency PolicyThe rep

Policy Tracker--October 24 Edition

Presidential election aside, November brings many important state and federal policy developments for energy efficiency.  From state elections and energy efficiency plans, the Northeast states will be busy this month shaping energy and regulatory policy and NEEP will be there to provide you with context and analysis on what's to come. Here are some notable developments in energy efficiency policy that we're following: 1) State Elections: While the presidential election will no doubt have a major impact on U.S.

Congratulations, Massachusetts! (And NY, VT, CT, RI and MD, while we’re at it!)

Northeast Region Tops the Nation in Energy Efficiency

The much anticipated state energy efficiency policy scorecard was just issued by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), and, once again, Massachusetts has topped the list as the

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