June-July Public Policy Tracker: Energy Efficiency Funding Legislation, New York's Moreland Commission, and Obama on Appliance Standards
By Josh Craft | Tue, July 2, 13

By Josh Craft | Tue, July 2, 13
By neepenergy | Tue, January 22, 13
By Josh Craft | Wed, October 24, 12
By neepenergy | Thu, June 7, 12
By neepenergy | Fri, May 25, 12
Developed by Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships and informed by stakeholders from around the region, the “Roadmap to Zero Net Energy Pubic Buildings” presents 5 steps states and municipalities can do now to make zero net energy public buildings (ZNEBs) a reality across the region within 15 years.
By dlenergyefficiency | Tue, February 21, 12
By Josh Craft | Fri, July 8, 11
Our most recent Policy Tracker is available now. Key developments include:
By Josh Craft | Thu, June 30, 11
By neepenergy | Thu, June 23, 11
By neepenergy | Wed, June 15, 11