Building Energy Rating and Disclosure picks up steam in government and corporate policies, Boston announces policy

Join the conversation in Stamford, CT on June 13th, 2012 at the NEEP Summit  Building en ergy rating and disclosure policies are gaining steam as a mechanism to drive the market for energy efficient buildings and to reduce impact on the environment. Like food labels or miles-per-gallon ratings on cars, building energy rating and disclosure makes energy use transparent so that buyers, sellers, and renters know what they’re getting. When we know how much energy buildings consume, we’ll start to place more value on ones with efficient systems and lower energy costs, like we would cars that get lower gas mileage.  If we get a “low” rating on our home or building, we’re more likely to take action to make it more efficient, which could drive the retrofit industry, create jobs, and change occupant behavior for the better. Boston looks to be the first city in New England to establish a Building Energy Disclosure Ordinance that would require large commercial and residential buildings to report energy use annually and publish the results online, joining the ranks of cities such as New York, San Francisco, and Washington, DC.  Mayor Menino announced the plan earlier this week and is looking to review a draft ordinance this fall. It’s not just local governments, however, that are calling for user-friendly energy data and greater energy efficiency in buildings.  Business and real estate leaders have a large stake in this, too –creating fertile ground for collaboration between sectors.  Nick Stolatis, Director of Strategic Initiatives Asset Management at TIAA-CREF Global Real Estate has a compelling story to tell about what energy benchmarking and management did for business – and will do so at NEEP’s Summit Workshop: Making the Grade: Building Energy Rating in the Northeast next Wednesday, June 13th. Fast Facts on TIAA-CREF’s Energy Initiatives:
  • TIAA-CREF first embarked on a comprehensive energy benchmarking initiative in 2007, evaluating its 42 million square feet of office buildings, 12,000 multifamily units, more than 4 million square feet of retail centers and other properties within its real estate portfolio for opportunities to reduce energy consumption.
  • Energy projects saved approximately $17 million in utility expenses, and the avoided greenhouse gas emissions are equivalent to removing about 18,800 cars from the road
  • Received the U.S. EPA’s 2012 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award for Sustained Excellence
  • 72 TIAA-CREF office buildings have earned the EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification for superior energy performance
Join the conversation next Wednesday in Stamford, CT at the NEEP Summit Workshop: Making the Grade: Building Energy Rating in the Northeast, corporate policies and local government initiatives. Hear what’s happening from leaders at TIAA-CREF, New York City’s Office of Long-Term Planning & Sustainability, Mass. Dept. of Energy Resources, and more. Register here.

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