
Sweating the Small Stuff: Energy Efficiency Policy and the Keystone XL Pipeline

Energy efficiency policy work doesn’t always make for great conversation at dinner parties. Energy efficiency represents energy and money not wasted, so it’s less tangible than new solar panels or a natural gas well. And much of NEEP’s work is behind the scenes, spread across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states in regulatory proceedings that can be hard to follow, on topics that may not, on the surface, sound very interesting. The energy efficiency policies we follow certainly haven’t captured media attention the way that the future of the Keystone XL pipeline has.

The Cold Shower: Plan Ahead and You'll Avoid It

Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWH) pay back big in the long run. Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWH) pay back big in the long run.

Your water heater lives an inconspicuous life.  It is often over looked, hidden away in some far recess of your basement, collecting a thin film of dust.  If

New kids on the block, younger workforce entering energy efficiency

With changes to the political, social, and economic undercurrents of our society, the landscape of energy efficiency is constantly shifting. The industry is now largely recognized for its demand-side solution to conserve energy, save natural and financial resources, and build career opportunities.

ENERGY STAR Set to Tackle the Future of Energy Efficient Products

A pat on the back for the ENERGY STAR brand was well deserved at this year’s Partners Meeting where attendees celebrated 20 years of the brand’s achievements in the market adoption of high efficiency products and billions of dollars and millions of metric tons of GHG emissions saved each year from ENERGY STAR products ($20 billion on utility bills and 195 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2010 alone!).  Whether it was looking back at EN

Zero Net Energy Buildings – A Pathway to Energy Independence and Disaster Preparedness

Over the past six months, the Northeast has been hammered with unexpected and extreme weather.  Tornadoes tore through Western Massachusetts in June and Hurricane Irene wreaked havoc throughout the entire region in August, devastating Vermont with the worst flooding they’ve seen in 84 years.

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