Codes, Cryptids, and Creatures: Common Myths in the Energy Codes World

When people bring up Bigfoot, they often cite evidence that lacks credibility. Even with the lack of tangible, physical proof of Big Foot’s existence, people are still willing to embrace the beast as fact. This is how myths persist. The folklore of Bigfoot has not ceased in recent years, and the same false narratives continue to be passed around the internet.

Myths exist in every facet of our lives. From cryptid creatures like Bigfoot haunting our Pacific Northwest, to the notion that eating before swimming increases risks of muscle cramps, myths permeate our culture.

How CAPEE Can Help Communities Lead The Way To Energy Efficiency

As temperatures rise in the Northeast this summer, so too does the amount of energy being consumed by buildings throughout the region. According to ISO New England, the top 10 demand days for electricity all occur within the summer months. Stretches of hot and humid days, such as what much of the region is experiencing currently leading into the Fourth of July holiday, puts a significant strain on our electric grid.
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