
A Breeze of Innovation, Air Source Heat Pumps Hold Potential

We all know what the outdoors can do to revitalize our health.  We feel more connected, nourished, and energized after we venture out of our homes and take a deep, endless breath of fresh air, soak up vitamins from sunlight, or drop in on the crest of an interminable wave. What if I told you that the same raw nourishment from the outdoors can reduce your heating and cooling bill?

Emergency Preparedness: What's In Your Kit?

Just how much bread do people eat during a storm?
The NYC subway under water, unprecedented flooding in Colorado, early season blizzards curtailing Halloween trick or treating – over the past few years we’ve all seen these images flash across our screens and many of us have been directly affected by these extreme weather events.

New kids on the block, younger workforce entering energy efficiency

With changes to the political, social, and economic undercurrents of our society, the landscape of energy efficiency is constantly shifting. The industry is now largely recognized for its demand-side solution to conserve energy, save natural and financial resources, and build career opportunities.

Standing up for the CFL

The saying, "you only have one chance to make a first impression" has never been so true than for the CFL.  When the highly efficient light bulb was first introduced into the market two decades ago, even the most die-hard energy efficiency experts would agree the technology was probably not ready for prime time.  The light output was low and the bulbs took a long time to "warm up".

Northeast Region Innovating to Accelerate Energy Efficiency in 2013

The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions are seeing unprecedented savings in electricity and natural gas use, thanks to a combined commitment to invest over $2.5 billion dollars in energy efficiency through 2013, according to NEEP's second annual Regional Roundup of Energy Efficiency PolicyThe rep

Congratulations, Massachusetts! (And NY, VT, CT, RI and MD, while we’re at it!)

Northeast Region Tops the Nation in Energy Efficiency

The much anticipated state energy efficiency policy scorecard was just issued by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), and, once again, Massachusetts has topped the list as the

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