Energy Efficiency Policy Highlights - August

Welcome to Highlights! August 2014

While late summer offers a much-needed lull for many of us, there is still some very important work being done by policymakers, regulators and program administrators to advance energy efficiency and address major regional energy issues.

One of the biggest of issues: “the winter peak.” States in the heavily natural gas-reliant Northeast are concerned about what is forecasted to be another winter of supply concerns, with coincident heating and electricity generation demands straining delivery capacity. Together they are working to get out in front of the issue— maximizing the tools of energy efficiency and public awareness to mitigate constraints and impacts on customer bills. Last week, NEEP and the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) convened a teleconference on winter peak issues, including participants from New England and New York state energy offices and public utility regulators with ISO-New England as observers.The group is seeking regional consensus to coordinate public education regarding the risk of potential energy supply constraints in the winter of 2014-15, and to encourage customers to reduce potential impacts on their energy bills through energy efficiency and conservation.

This will also be a venue for states to discuss possible regulatory flexibility and program innovations to expedite solutions that can deliver relief in the near-term. Stay tuned for updates on what comes of these efforts — just another example of the value of working regionally for shared benefits.

Meantime, please read on to catch up on the big news in Delaware (they’re busy this summer too!), a mid-year update on energy codes, legislative updates and more in our Policy Tracker, and a recap of three terrific workshops at the NEEP Summit: net zero buildings, EM&V issues, and those electrifying air source heat pumps!

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and thanks for reading. We always love your feedback on Highlights.

Natalie Hildt Treat, Senior Public Policy Outreach Manager Natalie Hildt Treat,
Senior Public Policy Outreach Manager



In This Issue

Policy News & Views:

Policy Tracker: July 2014

High Efficiency Products:

Air Source Heat Pumps a Hot Topic at NEEP’s Pre-Summit Workshop

Building Energy Codes:

Mid-year Update: State Progress on Building Energy Codes

New and Noteworthy:

NEEP Policy & Forum Teams Host Trio of Interns NEEP Summit and Business Leaders on YouTube

High Performance Buildings:

Cambridge City Council Passes Building Energy Usage Disclosure Ordinance

New Resource from SEE Action Network: How State & Local Agencies Can Save Energy in Buildings

Daybreak on Zero Net Energy Buildings: NEEP Workshop Sparks Dialogue on the Future of Buildings

In Focus:

Bright Future Ahead for Efficiency in Delaware

EM&V Essentials:

Alphabet Soup: Evaluation Workshop at Annual NEEP Summit 


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