Darren Port, Energy Codes Manager
NEEP is pleased to welcome Darren Port, Energy Codes Manager, who joined the staff in January. Prior to joining NEEP, Darren worked as the Green Building Administrator for the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Codes and Standards, where he provided technical assistance, analysis and policy recommendations related to green/high performance buildings, codes, program initiatives and legislation.
Nationally, Darren served as an appointed member on the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) 2012 edition Consensus Committee and is currently serving on the 2015 IgCC Consensus Committee as well as serving on the 2012-2014 ASHRAE Standard 189.1 membership committee, with a focus on updating Standard189.1 for the design of high-performance, green buildings. Darren also serves as a regional Ambassador for the Living Building Challenge, a project of the International Living Building Institute. His primary areas of work will include energy codes, building energy rating and multi-family. Darren can be reached at
dport@neep.org. Welcome, Darren!
Brian Buckley, High Performance Buildings Associate
Also brand new to the team is Brian Buckley, High Performance Buildings Associate. In 2013, Brian graduated from the Vermont School of Law with his Juris Doctor, Master of Environmental Law & Policy, and Energy Law Certificate. He has passed the bar exams in New York and Massachusetts.
Brian has spent time working with the Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) and the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC). At VPIRG he supported implementation of Vermont’s Property Assessed Clean Energy program and Wind Works Campaign. At VEIC he helped plan for the launch of a public purpose energy services company subsidiary and offered analysis related to energy project finance, taxation, permitting, and regulation. Before launching into law and policy, Brian spent several years in the building trades.
Brian’s primary area of focus will be schools, public buildings and building energy rating with a specific focus on benchmarking publically owned facilities. Brian can be reached at
bbuckely@neep.org. Welcome, Brian!