NEEP Highlights Benefits of Energy Efficiency on MassHigh Tech Blog

NEEP's Public Policy Manager, Natalie Hildt explains the widespread benefits to local communities and businesses from the energy efficiency measures within Massachusetts' Green Communities Act on MassHighTech's Community Voices blog. In her post, "Mass. following steady path to energy efficiency", Natalie points out that energy efficiency investments contribute to jobs growth, reduce overall energy costs, and provide significant savings to citizens and local government. "There has been a lot of negative press lately about a handful of failed renewable energy companies, as if somehow these few exceptions show that policies to advance clean energy are failing. Much less has been said of the quiet and steady success of energy efficiency in delivering real and lasting benefits to consumers and businesses, while making progress on broader societal goals such as cutting carbon emissions and growing jobs in the green economy." Go over to Mass High to read the entire blog post!

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