By Sue Coakley, NEEP Executive Director
Special to the
Worcester Business Journal Originally published July 4, 2011
As the world searches to uncover new sources of clean energy, energy efficiency is often overlooked, even though it is the only existing source that is clean, abundant, affordable and immediately available.
People tend to think of energy efficiency as an abstract concept — a philosophy, framework or approach to reducing energy consumption. And because of this, many disregard efficiency and its ability to assure energy security and environmental and economic sustainability.
Listen to local business leaders and you’ll hear that energy efficiency does matter to our regional economic strength and in building strong vibrant communities, especially in these uncertain economic times. Supported by federal and regional funding programs such as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, state grants and by ratepayers themselves, energy efficiency measures bring jobs to our region and deliver real money to our communities. Every dollar invested in efficiency returns $2.60 to New Englanders, according to a report compiled by my organization, the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP).