Over 500 evaluators, regulators, program administrators, students, and other interested stakeholders from across the U.S. and other nations descended on Chicago in August for
the International Energy Program Evaluation Conference (IEPEC). NEEP’s Regional Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification Forum team joined the crowd to tackle many hot button evaluation issues.
REED (the Regional Energy Efficiency Database) snagged a spot on the agenda for a quick takes session on “What Enquiring Minds Need to Know.” REED Manager Cecily McChalicher shared the tool with an international audience and opened up discussion on making the most of energy efficiency data through consistent reporting.
In the policy arena, panels on financing strategies, energy evaluation and load management opportunities for utility distribution systems, and public policy’s role in energy efficiency investments all drew large crowds. Conference goers passionately discussed papers on a variety of topics including:
- Process and Market Evaluation of a Program that Integrates Green Legislation Components into a Residential Energy-Efficiency Program
- Coast-to-Coast: An Update on On-Bill Financing Program Strategies
- Riding the Financing Wave: Integrating Financing with Traditional DSM Programming
- Driving Away From Off-Peak Vehicle Charging: The Need for an Evaluation of the Effects of Public Vehicle Charging Infrastructure on PEV Owner Charging Behavior
- Conservation Voltage Reduction: What are the Savings?
- Incorporating Energy Efficiency into the Transmission & Distribution Planning Process: Potential Financial and Reliability Implications
Anyone interested in more information about IEPEC or conference proceedings should contact
Danielle Wilson from the EM&V Forum Team.