
By Josh Craft |
The Boston Globe has been the site of lively debate over common-sense federal lighting standards this week, standards that NEEP strongly supports. Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby voiced his opposition, citing a number of misconceptions about the coming rules. NEEP's Policy Outreach Manager, Natalie Hildt, penned a response to illuminate the facts about coming changes, which will help consumer save…
By Josh Craft |
Our most recent Policy Tracker is available now.   Key developments include: Final Legislative Developments in Connecticut, Maine, and New York RGGI Fight Continues in New Jersey and New York Noteworthy Reports: NRDC Report on Set-Top Boxes and Institute for Electric Efficiency on Codes and Standards Check out the latest news here.
By Josh Craft |
Thanks to NRDC, a longtime partner of NEEP in helping to set new appliance efficiency standards, the challenge of energy waste from television set-top boxes-those ubiquitous devices that receive cable TV signals or digitally record TV shows-is receiving front-page news coverage. The “Better Viewing, Lower Energy Bills, and Less Pollution” report, available here, shows that the 160 million set-…
By Josh Craft |
Judging from many of the recent headlines, one might think that the clean energy economy in the Northeast was losing public support. According to a recent survey by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, however, public support for policies that promote clean energy and lower carbon dioxide emissions continues to be quite strong. "Public Support for Climate and Energy Policies in May…

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