
By Josh Craft |
New York has some of the region’s most aggressive energy efficiency programs, and is now in the midst of an ambitious set of initiatives aimed at “Reforming the Energy Vision.” As the state tackles complex issues of new utility models and a changing view of state, utility and market roles, NEEP is watching closely to ensure there is a continuing and prominent role for energy efficiency — the…
By Josh Craft |
This summer, we’ve seen the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states continue tackle the major themes outlined at last month’s NEEP Summit in Newport: modernizing the electric grid, de-carbonizing the electric sector, and managing electric-gas infrastructure constraints in New England. As you can see, policymakers did not shy away from strong action in June and July — whether it was the EPA releasing…
By Josh Craft |
Spring has brought forth a rush of activity on energy efficiency and energy policy in states in the NEEP region. Below is an overview of a major proceeding in New York, a roundup of state legislative and regulatory activity, and a new report on the cost of energy efficiency programs. New York Energy the Future of Utilities, Distributed Resources New York State has opened a major proceeding on…
By Josh Craft |
Energy efficiency policy work doesn’t always make for great conversation at dinner parties. Energy efficiency represents energy and money not wasted, so it’s less tangible than new solar panels or a natural gas well. And much of NEEP’s work is behind the scenes, spread across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states in regulatory proceedings that can be hard to follow, on topics that may not, on…
By Josh Craft |
Here’s our brief rundown on key developments in energy efficiency policy from around the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states NEEP is keeping tabs on. Data Moment: Electricity Use Decoupling from Economic Growth, BP Finds Source: BP, Annual Energy Outlook for 2035, p. 16 Last month, Brad Plumer of the Washington Post reported that BP found in its Annual Energy Outlook for 2035 that energy…
By Josh Craft |
As 2013 nears its end, important work on energy efficiency policy and programs is still on going. Below are the important proceedings that NEEP is keeping an eye on. And keep an eye out in January for the release of our 2013 Regional Roundup, which will contain our summation of the biggest state policy developments and trends from this past year. Additionally, we encourage you to attend the…
By Josh Craft |
Maryland enacted one of the nation’s most aggressive energy savings laws with the EmPOWER Maryland Act of 2008 , calling for a 15 percent reduction in per capita electricity consumption by 2015. The five-year-old law helped lay the foundation for a strong energy efficiency portfolio by the state’s major electric utilities, leading to energy savings of almost 2,250 GWh and demand savings of 1070…
By Josh Craft |
Here’s our brief rundown on key developments in energy efficiency policy from around the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states over the last few months: Energy Efficiency Program Updates Connecticut Draft Decision on Conservation and Load Management (C&LM) Plans: The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released its draft determination on the 2013-2015…

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