By Cornelia Wu |
On September 16, NEEP was selected by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to implement two major projects as part of the Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation (RECI) initiative. The National Energy Code Technical Assistance by Region (NECTAR) project will be led by NEEP in partnership with all Regional Energy Efficiency Organizations (REEOs) to support energy codes and building performance…

By Cornelia Wu |
Remote Virtual Inspections (RVI) are a hot topic. RVI are like regular inspections, in that code officials or third-party inspectors are able to review building sites in “real-time” and use that information to determine whether a component of a building meets code. RVI are different, however, because technology is used to allow inspectors to conduct reviews from off-site, whether from down the…

By Cornelia Wu |
Total Energy Pathways (TEP)
For homeowners interested in home energy retrofits, there are a variety of issues they must consider, such as weatherization, HVAC, strategic electrification, and solar photovoltaics. This can mean hiring several contractors, and coordinating multiple schedules. Total Energy Pathways (TEP) is a program that bundles all of these trades and offers them to homeowners as…

By Cornelia Wu |
By now we’ve all heard that buildings are a big energy user and emit a large proportion of greenhouse gases in both the U.S. and the world. But do buildings need to be a climate change problem? How can off-site construction be part of the solution?
What is on-site construction? It is the most common method of construction, where all of the construction materials - such as cast-in-place concrete…