February 2013

By Ed Londergan |
The Regional Multi-family Leadership Group will meet on February 27 at the New England Regional EPA Headquarters in Boston. The Leadership Group is composed of members from energy efficiency program administrators, state energy offices, state and local housing programs, local and federal government agencies, non-profit organizations and other stakeholders from 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic…
By Josh Craft |
ISO-New England made headlines recently when it announced that wholesale electric prices fell by 23% between 2011 and 2012, driven by low natural gas prices. That’s good news for consumers throughout New England, and there is more good news for the region. ISO-New England also reported that electricity consumption dropped by 0.6% to 128,249 GWh (normalized for weather) compared with 2011. This…
By dlenergyefficiency |
While the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) had developed significant momentum updating appliance standards during President Obama’s first term, we have been disappointed in their ability to complete rulemakings of late. Over the past year and half, DOE has failed to meet deadlines for eight separate product categories. Such delays hold up effective dates for the new standards — sacrificing…
By Allison Webster |
BAR pilot participant – Cambridge City Hall Annex Determining a commercial building’s asset rating (see sidebar) is a time-consuming process involving multiple site visits, meticulous data collection, engineers and energy modeling, and can cost anywhere from $15-30,000 per building! All of this begs the question: Is there a faster, cheaper, more effective way of evaluating a building’s energy…
By Josh Craft |
The Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region has shown strong progress in delivering energy efficiency programs with greater investment and more aggressive saving goals. As noted in our 2012 Regional Roundup, several states, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont have approved multi-year electric and gas energy efficiency plans aiming to continue capture all cost-effective…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
The table has been set. To say that the stars appear to be aligning over New Hampshire wouldn’t give due credit to the long, hard work of many energy efficiency proponents in the Granite State. But as an advocate who has spent a good deal of time and thought on how to bring the state’s policies and funding levels in line with neighboring states, I have to say that I’m optimistic. New…
By Fritzi Pieper |
Jon Linn (Left), John Hargrove (Right) We here at NEEP are ecstatic to be recognized by Association of Energy Service Professionals (AESP) for Outstanding Achievement in Energy Program Design Implementation  for our DesignLights Consortium® (DLC) project.  AESP, is a national organization dedicated to improving the delivery and implementation of energy efficiency, and has been a…

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