High Efficiency Products

The Endless Possibilities of Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings

As glaciers and ice sheets melt, sea levels rise, and several species like the white rhinoceros are decimated down to their last, I have been reading about Greta Thunberg and her fight to save our future planet. Her passion at times can be both awe-inspiring and guilt-inducing, but her impact is undoubtedly sobering.

Heat Pump Buying Guidance for the Everyday Consumer

Taking the first step to replace your home’s heating and cooling system can be overwhelming. For one, it’s your home – no one wants to feel uncomfortable in their living space and it can be a scary thought to make a wrong decision. For two, no two homes are exactly the same – there are many factors that leave consumers confused when deliberating the “right” type of heating system for them, especially when it comes to heat pump technology. They ask multifaceted questions, like “How do I know if I’m a good candidate for a complete system replacement?

Strategies for Accelerating Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Adoption in the Northeast

There is no denying that the impacts of global warming have created a sense of urgency to accelerate decarbonization efforts in all sectors – from transport and electricity generation to building and industry.

Moving the ASHP market 135 stakeholders at a time

Last month in Woburn, Massachusetts, 135 air source heat pump (ASHP) stakeholders gathered to discuss market transformation strategies for ASHPs. NEEP has been hosting this annual in-person workshop since 2014 and this represented our largest event yet. The workshop is a critical opportunity for regional stakeholders to focus on collaborating towards market transformation.

Heat Pumps, Smart Controls, VRFs, Oh My!

Do you remember where you were on June 2, 2014?

Some of you may have been in Newport, Rhode Island at NEEP’s first in-person Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) Market Transformation Workshop: Air Source Heat Pump Workshop – Warming Up the Market. Months before the workshop, NEEP had published a market transformation strategies report that had established a roadmap for regional stakeholder collaboration towards market development of ASHPs.

NEEP Launches New Website for Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump Product List

In January of 2015, NEEP launched a new program to more effectively differentiate air source heat pumps (ASHP) capable of high performance in cold-climate applications. A new specification had to be developed and manufacturers were invited to provide the necessary information to have their products included on the list NEEP creatively dubbed the Cold Climate ASHP Product List. NEEP has maintained and housed the list of products in an excel spreadsheet for download on our website ever since.

NEEP’s Air Source Heat Pump Initiative is Heating Up in 2019

2019 ushers in the sixth year of NEEP’s regional air-source heat pump (ASHP) market transformation initiative aimed at  the residential space heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) market across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Along with the new year comes a number of new elements of the initiative that promise to bring greater impact to the regional market. We invite you to join us.

Developing a Pathway to Decarbonize Existing Buildings

The energy and carbon intensity of existing buildings has been a vexing problem for more than three decades. While lighting, appliances, and a wide variety of other technologies have significantly upgraded energy performance, the buildings that they are placed into have been remarkably resistant to major change.

Fossil Fuel Use By Sector

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