By Charlie Taylor |
Rental horror stories, we’ve all got one. Whether it’s you or someone you know, it’s common to hear tales about moving into a new apartment or home and being caught off guard by some feature in the house that leads to skyrocketing energy costs or an uncomfortable living situation. Mine goes like this: As I walk into a friend’s triple decker apartment building for the first time, I’m struck by…
By John Otterbein |
This post was written by Jake Oster who is the senior director of regulatory affairs at EnergySavvy. This piece was originally published at EnergySavvy's blog. Ever since the term “EM&V 2.0” was first coined in 2014, the energy efficiency industry has been debating how the emerging landscape of tools, technologies, and software products will modernize energy efficiency…
By Samantha Bresler |
After all of the recent holiday shopping, the last thing people want to do is step foot in another mall. Thank goodness for gift cards and the internet! As customers make shopping decisions and look for products online, we want to make sure they have the tools to access information about energy efficient options and rebates. Below we profile five web-based platforms and resources for customers…
By Natalie Hildt Treat |
The industrial sector represents more than 40 percent of total energy use in the buildings sector, spending more than $20 billion annually in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region alone. Industrial efficiency programs have some of the lowest cost of saved energy, meeting demand for as little as 3 ¢/kwh. Yet it is estimated that only 46 percent of industrial facilities engage in energy efficiency…
By Brian Buckley |
In a major departure from traditional thinking that often compartmentalized energy efficiency efforts in a way which limits cross-fuel subsidization, Vermont is in the midst of promulgating final regulations for Act 56. This potentially-landmark bill would encourage the state’s utilities to sell more MWh’s by, amongst other things, electrifying the heating and transportation sectors. It’s no…
By Jim OReilly |
Have you crossed paths with these terms recently? Becuase we certainly have. “Utility 2.0” “Utility of the Future” “Intelligent Efficiency” “Reforming the Energy Vision” It’s hard to open a newsletter, attend a conference or read a blog these days without hearing or reading about the game-changing, landscape-altering, markets-animating,…
By Brian Buckley |
With the legislative sessions in most states drawn to a close, but active regulatory dockets with many of our region’s regulatory commissions, NEEP’s December 2015 Policy Tracker provides a succinct overview of what our team considers to be the most important ongoing regulatory news in each jurisdiction. Massachusetts regulators continue their review of the recently submitted 2016-…
By Samantha Bresler |
All I want is a heat pump for the holidays. You think that I’m joking, but I’m not. My room is FREEZING in the winter and a sweatbox in the summer. I’m getting tired of having to wrestle with the three (3!) blankets necessary to survive the Bostonian winters.  I haven’t forgotten last year’s winter, nor the high energy bills, which is precisely why I’m in the market for an energy-efficient…
By Claire Miziolek |
The term Market Transformation gets tossed around a fair amount in the energy efficiency sphere, but what does it actually mean? And how can it be fully achieved? Our friends over at NEEA, a fellow REEO and respected authority on the subject, devised a definition for the term with equal parts elegance and accuracy: “Market Transformation is the strategic process of intervening in a market…
By Guest Contributor |
This post was contributed by Lara Bonn, Efficiency Vermont's Efficient Products Strategic Planning Manager. Imagine yourself in the home improvement store. You need a light bulb. You are looking down at two different options; they are both light-emitting diodes (LEDs). One bulb has a price tag of about $3 and the other costs $4.99. The packaging is slightly different, but they are almost…

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