By neepenergy |
Richard Donnelly, Efficiency Vermont With economic and social challenges ranging from climate commitments to deferred maintenance, how can colleges and universities make the investments necessary to control their costs and reduce carbon emissions? As energy efficiency projects directly compete with limited funds to pay for other expenses, how can colleges and universities capitalize on long-…
By Josh Craft |
We in NEEP’s policy shop are constantly tracking state energy efficiency happenings— from legislation and regulatory proceedings to spending and savings data. Now we’ve released our first Regional Roundup, a new report examining overall trends and which states are leading and lagging in capturing cost-effective energy efficiency. The report provides a summary and analysis of some of the…
By neepenergy |
Xinhua News Agency Following the U.S., the E.U., and many other countries, China announced today that it will introduce lighting standards in 2012 to phase out inefficient incandescent bulbs by 2016 to help achieve the country's goal to cut energy consumption by 16 percent and carbon emissions by 17 percent before 2015. Xinhua News Agency reported today that imports and sales of 100-watt-and-…
By neepenergy |
Yes Halloween is just around the corner, but we’re not talking about those types of vampires or phantoms. What we ARE talking about can be just as frightening — vampire or phantom loads refer to the appliances and electronics that draw electricity from your outlets even when they are turned off. The constant sucking of electricity these products produce not only are a drain on your…
By neepenergy |
Which Bulb Should I Use?! 2012 is almost upon us and in preparation for the upcoming change in lighting standards the LUMEN (Lighting Understanding For a More Efficient Nation) Coalition gave media an opportunity to see a variety of energy-efficient lighting choices in action in a real home while also rolling out The LUMEN Coalition is an ad hoc consortium of organizations…
By Jim OReilly |
ACEEE today released its 2011 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, and Massachusetts topped the rankings. Also making the top 10 were New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Maryland. Clearly, the Northeast is the leader in setting policies that recognize and value energy efficiency as a key economic and environmental resource. In each of these states, strong executive leadership has…
By Josh Craft |
Energy Efficiency: Jobs Creator The national news has been focused lately on some high profile renewable energy failures. But they’ve been missing out on the bigger picture: clean energy jobs, powered by energy efficiency, are growing and here to stay. A recent report from Mark Muro and Jonathan Rothwell of the Brookings Institution shows that clean energy jobs are a robust and growing source…
By neepenergy |
Annette Bellafiore, ThinkEco, Inc. This summer, while temperatures were heating up across the Northeast, one residential community in lower Manhattan set out to reduce their window air conditioner (A/C) energy consumption while still staying cool. ThinkEco, Inc, a NYC-based start-up focused on plug-load energy-efficiency solutions and NEEP Partner, partnered with Con Edison to launch the…
By Josh Craft |
Our most recent Policy Tracker is available now, with updates on important energy efficiency policy and building energy code developments from across the Northeast, including: State Energy Efficiency Plans: EmPOWER Maryland 2012-2014 plans and Rhode Island 2012-2014 Energy Efficiency Plan Building Energy Codes: Updates in Connecticut and Vermont and new proceedings in Maryland and Pennsylvania…
By neepenergy |
Adam Cooper - Manager, Institute for Electric Efficiency The development of energy efficient practices and products requires deliberate efforts and actions by individuals and organizations.  Technology breakthroughs can and do occur in a vacuum and in order for advancements to positively impact society there needs to be an action-oriented process for change to occur.  Effectuating…

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