
Opting out of Green Ribbon Schools, but the need to showcase and celebrate persists

For champions of the green schools movement, the U.S. Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools award program –now in its pilot year—is an exciting opportunity to gain national recognition for years of hard work transforming the way we design, build, and operate schools.

Up to $240K Available: “Consulting Services for Raising the BAR (Building Asset Rating)”

NEEP, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER), is seeking proposals for innovative methodologies that can help reduce the time and cost of data collection. Operational ratings for buildings, which are based on actual energy use (i.e. energy billing data), are great, but don’t paint the full picture of a building’s true energy performance.

Zero Net Energy Buildings – A Pathway to Energy Independence and Disaster Preparedness

Over the past six months, the Northeast has been hammered with unexpected and extreme weather.  Tornadoes tore through Western Massachusetts in June and Hurricane Irene wreaked havoc throughout the entire region in August, devastating Vermont with the worst flooding they’ve seen in 84 years.

DesignLights Consortium Ramps up its SSL Qualified Products List

Webinar for new product categories and updated specifications for current categories scheduled for August 2, 2011, at 2pm EST. Lighting manufacturers, energy efficiency program administrators, and others in the Solid State Lighting (SSL) field now have more options for promoting and incentivizing energy efficient lighting technology thanks to a recent revision to the DesignLights Consortium’s Solid State Lighting Qualified Products List (

Advocacy the theme at DOE Energy Codes 2011 Conference

Hello from Salt Lake City, where the U.S. Department of Energy is hosting its annual energy codes conference. This year's event has a decidedly different feel to it, as codes move from just being in the domain of building officials, to taking center stage for a number of legislative and administrative offices, energy offices, climate change task forces and advocacy groups.
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