
Vermont Colleges are creating Greener Campuses and Brighter Futures

University of Vermont is one of 12 higher education institutions in the state investing millions in energy efficiency.
How far will $16 million dollars go to create green college campuses in the Green Mountain State? A lot further than you think.

Bay State needs oil heat efficiency fund

NEEP has worked long and hard on whole-building, all-fuel energy efficiency solutions. Recently the Boston Globe ran Natalie Hildt's opinion piece in its online section called The Podium. Below is the full text. It’s a heartbreaking but all-too familiar story: hardworking, self-sufficient family falls on tough times. Wife is disabled, husband loses good-paying job.

Roadmap to Zero Net Energy report now available, calls on the public sector to lead the charge

Developed by Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships and informed by stakeholders from around the region, the “Roadmap to Zero Net Energy Pubic Buildings” presents 5 steps states and municipalities can do now to make zero net energy public buildings (ZNEBs) a reality across the region within 15 years.

Nineteen schools in the region awarded Nation's first Green Ribbons

Imagine if your school saved thousands of dollars on utility costs by cutting down on energy, harvested vegetables from its “lasagna garden” for school lunch, or fueled its buses with discarded cooking oils from local restaurants.

With Tools in Hand – Mainers Fight for Safe, Affordable & Comfortable Buildings

Buildings are our nation’s biggest energy guzzlers, using 40% of our energy and 70% of our electricity. As the nation makes strides to improve the energy performance of its building stock, one effective method of doing this is with building energy codes.
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