By Hillary Beach |
This post was submitted by The Holderness School, a 2015 Business Leader Champion for energy efficiency. It was authored by Hillary Beach, assistant director for communications. Hab-it (noun)- a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. We used to say, “practice makes perfect.” Today, many psychologists, coaches and teachers agree that, “practice doesn’t…
By Brian Buckley |
This Fall’s Policy Tracker reviews recent regulatory developments, notable legislative victories, state energy planning, takes a brief look at the Clean Power Plan’s projected benefits, and presents data from recent reports on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initative. The region’s regulatory landscape has been abuzz with energy efficiency developments during summer 2015, and below we describe…
By Jennifer Skerker |
After many years of successful yet limited energy efficiency programs, New Hampshire is taking concrete steps to ramp up its investments in energy efficiency, likely through the creation of an Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (EERS). This past May, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (PUC) initiated a proceeding to establish an EERS under docket DE-15-137. An EERS establishes short…
By John Otterbein |
We know the future will be bright for the residential lighting market, but just how efficient will it be? Residential lighting has long been at the heart of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency program portfolios. In New England, residential lighting measures have produced over 30 percent of all efficiency program savings. The large savings potential along with the relatively low barriers to…
By Sue Coakley |
With the EPA’s announcement of final rules under 111(d), we turn the page toward a cleaner, healthier, economically vibrant power sector.  At NEEP, we’re fortunate to operate within a region which has time and time again proven that energy efficiency can be the cornerstone to a more resilient, clean, reliable and affordable energy system. The Negawatt as a Foundational Component of the…
By Lisa Cascio |
If I asked you what a small private high school in New Hampshire had in common with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, you’d probably rack your brain for some complicated relationship between the two disparate establishments. Well, I’m here to tell you that the relationship isn’t as uncanny as you may think. In fact, don’t think all that hard; the light above your head should switch…
By Steve Nadel |
This post originally appeared on the ACEEE Blog.   We are periodically asked how much different policies have saved and which policies have had the largest impact. In our recent report on energy efficiency progress over the past 35 years, we reviewed many current energy savings estimates and projections. Here I wanted to summarize which policies appear to be saving the most energy today,…
By JR Tolbert |
This piece was originally posted on Advanced Energy Perspectives and is reposted in full with permission.  The past two months have been a whirlwind for energy efficiency policy in Pennsylvania. This period was marked by the high point of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) issuing a strong final rule for Phase III of Act 129, the next stage of the state’s energy efficiency mandate,…
By Alex Yamron |
In the last several months, Massachusetts has announced a $10 million storage initiative, issued an RFP for a study of storage’s potential in the state, and named energy storage expert Judith Judson as Commissioner of the Department of Energy Resources (DOER), making it clear that the Commonwealth considers storage a foundational part of its grid modernization efforts over the next decade. These…
By Samantha Bresler |
You’re an Air-Source Heat Pump believer and you’re itching to get one installed. After pouring over online reports and catalogs, visiting the cold climate ASHP listing, and checking out your neighbor’s system, you now consider yourself an expert. Without doubt, saving roughly 3,000 kWh and $300-459 annually is phenomenal – why leave money laying on the table? So tell me, what type of ASHP are…

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