
NE-CHPS Paves the Way Forward for Schools

When you think back to your days spent in school what do you remember? Was it a favorite teacher? The countless trips to the vending machine between classes? A visceral rush of excitement after your crush unexpectedly sat next to you in biology?

Building Rating Helps Markets Understand and Value Energy Efficiency

Everyone knows that one way to judge the performance of a car is by its fuel efficiency, and car manufacturers love to crow about cars with high 'miles per gallon' ratings. But, what if there was a way to assess “MPG” for buildings that gave potential owners or renters a sense of how much it would cost to operate their building over time?

NEEP Explores the Opportunities and Challenges of Multifamily Efficiency

Multifamily: A Nut Hard to Crack
Tung Huynh, NEEP Tung Huynh, NEEP's Public Policy Intern
Multifamily housing represents an important sector with large untapped energy savings potential.

Rebuild it Right, A Tour of EcoBuilding Bargains

The springfield tornado demolished more than 40 buildings and caused over $100 million in damages. The Springfield tornado demolished more than 40 buildings and caused over $100 million in damages.
Natural disasters are here to stay and our communities need to be as prepared as possible and ready for any natural upheava

Inaccurate facts and figures surface after the adoption of Boston's Building Energy Rating Ordinance

building energy rating and disclosure Disinformation on Boston's Building Energy Disclosure Ordinance continues - The Boston Globe needs a fact check when discerning building energy rating and disclosure' fact from fiction. NEEP's Jim O'Reilly wrote a response to the Boston Globe's article, 

NEEP Congratulates the Boston City Council for Enacting Building Energy Disclosure

Boston Seal In a 9-4 vote, the Boston City Council voted today to adopt energy benchmarking for its large buildings. NEEP congratulates Mayor Thomas Menino and the Council for their hard work to advance this landmark energy and environmental initiative.
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