NEEP Policy Highlights

Going Deeper: Can New York Fulfill its Promise to Reform the Energy Vision?

The energy policy world was abuzz during early 2015 over the potential impact of a landmark proceeding at the New York State Public Service Commission.  Utilities, State Utility Commissions, consumer advocates, and others were awaiting a key order in New York State’s “Reforming the Energy Vision.”  On February 26, 2015, the New York State Public Service Commission delivered their long awaited order adopting a regulatory Policy Framework and Implementation Plan.

Two New EM&V Resources Add to Vast Body of Research

NEEP’s Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification Forum recently released two publications that are receiving increasing attention within the industry.  The first report centers upon strategies for geo-targeting energy efficiency as a system planning resource, and the second examines the baseline assumptions included in potential estimates for savings attributable to electric residential clothes dryers.  For further details on both reports, read on below.

A Changing Landscape: Characterizing Energy Efficiency as a Resource, Not a Cost

NEEP’s 2015 Regional Roundup confirms that we’re seeing a changing landscape in the world of energy efficiency. Make no mistake about it—the ground is shifting nationally and the Northeast-Mid-Atlantic region is not invulnerable to these shifts in energy efficiency focus and practice.

Energy Efficiency Policy Highlights - December/January 2015

Welcome to Highlights! December/January 2015

Vermont First in Nation to Adopt Latest, Greatest Building Energy Code

On December 5, Vermont finalized an update to its Residential and Commercial Building Energy Standards (RBES and CBES), thereby becoming the first state in the country to adopt* a building energy code based on the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (2015 IECC). The 2015 IECC is the newest and most efficient version of the IECC, a model code used by the vast majority of the country (including every state in NEEP’s region).

NEEP Co-Hosts Workshop Envisioning the Future of Rhode Island Schoolhouses

What lies ahead for Rhode Island schoolhouses? It’s hard to say with any certainty, but if stakeholder contributions from a recent discussion in Newport, R.I. are any indicator, the future looks bright.

After several years of a school construction moratorium, Rhode Island schools are finally seeing the potential for new construction and renovation opportunities this summer. 

Evaluation Experts and Enthusiasts: Register Now for the Annual Public Meeting!

The Regional Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) Forum will host its Annual Public Meeting on January 14, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Baltimore, Md. Mark your calendar and make plans to be in Baltimore for a day filled with exciting discussion, connecting with new and old colleagues and learning from the best and brightest in the evaluation community and beyond.

Public Buildings Stakeholder Meeting: Leadership Group Awakens With a Roar

Even the mighty black bear must take its yearly rest, arising as the winter’s snow melts away with a feeling of renewed vigor, eager to tackle the challenges of the coming spring.  

Awakening from its own brief hiatus during 2013, NEEP’s Public Buildings Leadership Group has re-cemented its footings as a driver of collaborative processes to promote public sector energy efficiency throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic in 2014. 

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